Monday, January 18, 2010

Please pray for the following things as we are preparing for the 8 day vision trip to the Philippines:

1. Brett and Josie will stay with Wyatt’s mom.

2. That Satan will not sow seeds of insecurity, doubt, and Whatever else!

3. For Wyatt after coming back from such an encouraging and amazing experience.

4. Good communication between Wyatt and I and also those we are in contact with.

5. Connecting flights with minimal layover in Hong Kong and Tokyo.
6. That our flight from Manila to visit Davao City will be safe.

7. Good health and weather.

8. Wyatt and I will have God move in our hearts separately toward where we are to serve.
    Total Confirmation!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Praise for a well-timed appointment

Brett's eyes had begun turning in for about 2 weeks now.  It would come and go.  Since he had glasses from age 3 months until 9 months for far-sightedness, I began to wonder and ask.  Dr. Lawrence was able to see him the next day when normally it is at least a month or so out before you can see her.  She said that because he is growing, his eyes are becoming more far-sighted. The turning is caused by the brain telling the eyes to focus and this is how they compensate.  The glasses will allow his eyes to not work so hard and look straight.  The brain will then get the message and be trained to look straight.  There is a good chance that he could grow out of this for a time.

Prayer for direction

We are going to be taking what will be our last vision trip to figure out where God would have us serve.  We have already been to South Africa/Zimbabwe and now we are heading to the Philippines Jan. 26-Feb. 3, 2010.  It's just for 8 days but we'll be visiting the 3 teams there, visiting Faith Academy (the largest MK school in the world) and then returning to pray for God's peace in making a decision between the 2 countries.
  • Safety/no hindrances in traveling
  • Good time connecting with the teams
  • A supernatural peace from God in this decision